Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 7 - Tagging, folksonomies, delicious and LibraryThing

I taken a look around and had a look at how Sutherland and Cleveland Public are using I was impressed with Cleveland Library tags. I also had a quick look at the tags label "food", some nice recipe's to print out and try.

Have created an account with Delicious.
link to my ....
Delicious account

My experience and thoughts on using this tool;
This is one of the weeks that I have enjoyed, apart from you tube.
I can see the value of using this tool in the library. Making it public so every one can access it is really good too, it can save time if other libraries have already done the research on a particular topic and have found great websites. I could see it particularly good for HSC topics.
For private use, this tool would be good to have as well, as you can access it from anyway on any computer. And buy making it public as well you can share it with friends and family.

I have had a look at how Technorati works and I have decided I don't want my blog to be track.
I'm only have a blog for this learning activity and I really don't want everyone to be able to access it than is necessary for this exercise.

I have gone the search for bookmobile and was suceessful, however doing a search for "nswpln2008" I didn't get a result.

Library thing
completed the tour on "librarything" and created an Librarything account and posted onto my blogg

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for sharing your delicious tags. It is a handy way of collecting together useful links which you can carry anywhere.

Ellen (PLS)